News & Events

Grant Writing = Looking in the Mirror

Here at HHG Theatre, we love writing grants. (WHAAAAATTTTT????!!!!!) It is not, as some might consider, akin to eating your spinach or brussel sprouts, i.e. a painful chore that you know is good for you. I’ll never forget what Vancouver dance / theatre artist said about the subject: “Grant writing is cultural activism.” As we’ve mentioned here earlier, HHG Theatre has a big announcement to make, which will describe a significant transition for our little company. Times of transition, as […]

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50 Years of Political Manipulation Later…

At 9:55 pm on September 7th 1964, in between segments of Monday Night at the Movies’ screening of “David and Bathsheba”, NBC aired a 60-second paid political advertisement for President Lyndon Johnson. The ad was called “Peace, Little Girl”. But for 50 years it’s been known exclusively as “the Daisy ad”. It’s also considered the most powerful and controversial political advertisment of all time, and the subject of Horseshoes & Hand Grenades Theatre’s next political theatre project. We wanted to take […]

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Big news to come…stay tuned.

Horseshoes & Hand Grenades has several announcements to come soon. News about exciting new projects and accomplishments. News about future opportunities for some of our recent shows. Lots of good stuff. And if that weren’t enough…we’ve got world-altering, game-changing, prototype-breaking, seismic news…soon. Big changes coming. Exciting times.

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