
Update to our mandate

After several internal discussions, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades is please to announce an updated mandate. This change builds upon our experiences with past productions while embracing the strengths that our co-artistic leadership bring to the company. Horseshoes & Hand Grenades Theatre is drawn to where the political and the personal intersect – the politics of everyday life. We explore stories of idealism, corruption, compassion, love, violence and redemption, both within the individual and their communities. We tell under-told stories, and […]

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September Re:Union Workshop – Day 1

Today was the first day of our final Re:Union workshop before the production. Wow. For the first time, we had all the key players in one room.  Playwright. Director. Actors. Designers. Dramaturg. Producers. Stage Management. Administrators. Technical Staff.  Pretty amazing to look around the table and see the calibre of people we are working with to make this show.  But I’m getting ahead of myself. First, allow me to introduce myself.  Hi.  I’m Lois.  I’m the stage manager for Re:Union. […]

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